Food, Wine & Just Good Living With SaucyJoe

It started with a love of food, wine & fun and blossomed into a maddening pursuit of the best recipes, techniques, grills, smokers, wines, crafted beers, rubs, marinades and sauces... We do more than play with our meat though -- we review and discuss all things cooking, drinking, reading, laughing and living at SaucyJoe's.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Roasted Chicken

Okay, so this chicken I roasted was WAY yummy. First, I pre-heated the oven to 400 degrees. Then, here is the pictoral of the steps:

Wash the chicken and pat it dry with a paper towel. Place chicken in the roasting dish, cut up veggies and place in and around the chicken. The veggies I used were garlic, onion, carrots, and celery.

Actually, before I stuffed the veggies in the chicken, I made sure to season the cavity with fresh basil, sage, garlic, and chives. After the veggies went in, I seasoned the outside with sea salt, 2 dried bay leaves (those actually went inside as well), dried basil, dried rosemary, and dried thyme.

I also added some wine to the roasting dish. The wine I used is Becker Vineyard Viogner.

I put the chicken in the 400 degree oven for 1 1/2 hours. Actually, at 45 minutes, I basted the chicken with its juices. It already looked yummy at that point!

45 minutes after that, it was ready. How did I know? The joints moved freely and the juices ran clear. Also, the little ready indicator had popped up. :D

It was so good and there are plenty of left overs for lunches to come. It was really easy, too. Next time, I may add some of the orange salt Saucy Joe and lemon slices gave me to make it a citrus chicken. Ooh, or I could use bar-b-que seasonings and make it a bar-b-que chicken... The possibilities on this are endless!!


Blogger Saucy Joe Sullivan said...

Now that's a Sunday feast! Great colors and presentation. That's a great idea for a citrus chicken. Fill the cavity with lemon and orange halfs and rub the outside with the Orange Salt and some pepper! Possibly some smoked paprika too! Orange Salt recipe will be posted this week!!

Tue Jan 23, 02:46:00 PM CST  

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