Food, Wine & Just Good Living With SaucyJoe

It started with a love of food, wine & fun and blossomed into a maddening pursuit of the best recipes, techniques, grills, smokers, wines, crafted beers, rubs, marinades and sauces... We do more than play with our meat though -- we review and discuss all things cooking, drinking, reading, laughing and living at SaucyJoe's.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

GelaSkins -- How very cool!

I happened upon a terrific new company when researching the recent art offerings of Ralph Steadman. BTW, he still offers that to-die-for Gonzo Zippo lighter for those of you w/ an extra $50 for collectables. Very cool.

Regardless, a new-ish company, GelaSkins, offers all manner of low-tac covers for your electronics including iPods and iPhones, laptops etc. that feature full-color art reproductions. This includes Steadman's "Gonzo" works and his "Lounge Lizard" stuff as well.

Well worth the visit and a few shillings to dress up your toys in fine art finery.
I definitely put this in the "wish I'd thought of that" category.


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