Food, Wine & Just Good Living With SaucyJoe

It started with a love of food, wine & fun and blossomed into a maddening pursuit of the best recipes, techniques, grills, smokers, wines, crafted beers, rubs, marinades and sauces... We do more than play with our meat though -- we review and discuss all things cooking, drinking, reading, laughing and living at SaucyJoe's.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Kentucky Frakkin' Chicken

Being a Battlestar Galactica fan, I went to the SciFi Channel website to check and see when it would be on tonight and noticed that the Colonel had joined the Battlestar Galactica team. Never thought I'd ever see the word Frak and Colonel Sanders in close proximity to each other. It just struck me funny. Hope you get a laugh out of it too!! Here's the frakkin' link.

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