Peace, Love and Barbecue

Recipes, Secrets, Tall Tales, and Outright Lies from the Legends of Barbecue
I bought this book by Mike Mills and his daughter Amy Mills Tunnicliffe over lunch last Friday and proceeded to get in trouble for reading it all day Saturday!
What a fun book!
Mike is a world championship barbecue pitmaster and owns a restaurant in Murpheysboro, IL. He has been around the block on barbecue (not grilling), and travelled over 100,000 miles to research (read eating and yarning) the subject. There are several recipies and tips strewn throughout the book from some highly talented people. I got so hungry reading this book. It made me want to get in the car and drive hundreds of miles to eat at some of these restaurants.
I definitely will take time on my next road trip to visit some of the places, many of which are in TX! You folks down there don't know what you're missing! Buy the book. It's a fun read with some good tips and recipies. Joe, and Ski---Shall we hit the barbecue circuit this summer?
Oh yes!! We'll be hitting the barbecue circuit this summer. It's great to have those special recipes, but it's even better to hear the stories of the pitmasters and how they made it.
I look forward to warmer weather and taking the weekend excursions in search of fantastic barbecue!!
Excellent book find. I'll be getting my copy soon! Peace, Love and Barbecue ... good words to live by.
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