Food, Wine & Just Good Living With SaucyJoe

It started with a love of food, wine & fun and blossomed into a maddening pursuit of the best recipes, techniques, grills, smokers, wines, crafted beers, rubs, marinades and sauces... We do more than play with our meat though -- we review and discuss all things cooking, drinking, reading, laughing and living at SaucyJoe's.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Young (Under 30's) People Making an Impact

As part of a recent assignment, I am researching young (under 30) professionals making an impact in ecology/environment fields. There are a plethora of directions to follow, but I thought I'd try to pick the brains of the rather astute readers of this blog.

Any suggestions? Links?

Just comment in this post if you know people (or nominate yourself) that are making a difference.

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