SJ Mourns the Loss of Glenn Mitchell

Ed note: We're quite sad to report the passing of Dallas radio host Glenn Mitchell. Glenn was one of those radio voices you called "friend," and was in our opinion one of the most brilliant, witty people to hold court on the air. His Christmas Blockbuster was legendary, and his daily musings and interviewing style on his talkshow brought insights to information -- he made you think, challenge and find dimensions in the topic, because that's what he was doing too.
Glenn was on the cusp of taking his considerable talents to a much wider audience on XM radio, and the nation as a whole is unfortunately a little less enlightened for never having the experience of hearing this fine talent and individual.
Having listened to him for so long on Dallas' NPR affiliate, KERA, we watched and heard his career, and never, ever felt anything less than friendship and acute interest in hearing what he had to say. When you listened, it was if Glenn had invited you into his home, or had made himself equally comfortable in yours. You'd gladly offer him a cup of coffee or a beer, just so he'd sit for awhile longer. His show was one of those that would keep you in the car for 5 minutes after you'd arrived, stealing a few more minutes before you went inside.
You can find his official obit, and send comments and condolences on KERA, and to see how beloved this man was, go to this message forum. In an era where "debate" seems to be more of an opportunity to shout down opposing views, and intelligence is often mistaken for intellect, a savvy, polite and engaging host like Glenn was a rare find. We'll miss him, and the light he brought to our radios, for a long time.
Glen Mitchell was THE link to that part of the local music scene that wasn't profitable enough for the MSM. From Trout Fishing in America to Brave Combo and the Austin Lounge Lizards, he took the time to feature INTERSTING artists of all genres. He really embodied the spirit of public radio.
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